Editorial Guidelines

Do’s and Don’ts When Submitting Editorial Content

Happi welcomes manuscripts about many aspects of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical contract services and outsourcing. Segments covered include manufacturing of various dosage forms, clinical trial supplies, packaging, drug discovery, regulatory affairs, analytical testing, methods/process validation, formulation development, technology transfer, and others.

Here are some basic points to remember when submitting articles for publication in Happi.

  1. Articles must be original and related to the household and personal products industry. Segments served by the industry include cosmetics and toiletries, fine fragrances, detergents, household and industrial & institutional cleaning products and floor waxes.
  2. A brief outline describing the major points of the article must be submitted prior to publication.
  3. Do not submit slightly reworked powerpoint presentations—they do not translate well in print. Articles must be original in nature with a maximum of 4 charts/graphs per article. Please supply the charts/graphs in two formats. First, as completed and second artwork that is text free. Often, we cannot reprint text from artwork.
  4. Therefore, the text must be put in a separate document to be sure of printability.
  5. It is the author’s responsibility to make sure that papers submitted to Happi are cleared by all third parties. For example, if a paper was originally presented at a conference, it is the author’s responsibility to make sure the conference organizers have approved the paper’s publication in Happi.
  6. Papers should not have appeared in direct competitors of Happi such as Cosmetics & Toiletries, Global Cosmetic Industry, Personal Care Ingredients Asia, SPC, SOFW or similar journals.
  7. Papers must be focused on research and development, manufacturing, marketing or trends having an impact on the markets Happi serves.
  8. Papers must be non-commercial in nature. Chemical names (INCI) are preferred to tradenames.
  9. Trademark, copyright, registration marks and related symbols will not be published in the article.
  10. Article lengths vary by subject but as a general rule, articles should not exceed 2000 words.
  11. The preferred format for submissions is Microsoft Word, although we may be able to translate some documents from Microsoft formats.
  12. Do not submit documents that cannot be edited. They will not be accepted.
  13. Text of articles may be e-mailed to: tbranna@rodmanmedia.com
  14. All artwork must be eps files @ 300 dpi.
  15. Articles must arrive by the first of the month, three months prior to publication. For example, an article that will be published in the May issue must be received by February 1.
  16. Once the article has been put in page form, a copy will be sent to the author to review prior to publication.

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