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Lonza, CN Bio Partner on Prevalidated Hepatocytes for Organ-on-a-chip Range

Lonza will supply cells to be prequalified for use in CN Bio’s innovative PhysioMimix OOC range of Single- and Multi-Organ Microphysiological Systems.

By: Kristin Brooks

Managing Editor, Contract Pharma

Lonza and CN Bio entered into a distribution agreement under which Lonza will supply hepatic cells to be prequalified by CN Bio for use in their PhysioMimix Single-and Multi-Organ MPS to help transform the way human-relevant preclinical data is generated. With prequalified cells, customers can avoid having to trial numerous cell types in order to find ones that will grow and behave functionally in 3D culture, aiding in generating reliable and robust data.
Maureen Bunger, Senior Product Manager, ADME-Tox Solutions, Lonza Cell and Gene, said, “Today’s drug discovery success is hugely dependent on performing experiments using the right biological model to best reflect in vivo environments. This new agreement with CN Bio further demonstrates Lonza’s commitment to supporting innovation and to the development of the most advanced cell models for enhanced drug discovery and development success.”
The PhysioMimix Single and Multi-Organ MPS allow researchers to recreate an environment that more accurately represents the human body in the lab to generate translationally relevant preclinical data, helping to overcome lack of quality control and performance criteria previously associated with OOC technologies in drug development. The FDA has worked with CN Bio to demonstrate the robustness and reliability of their technology for drug metabolism and safety toxicity applications.
Dr. Tomasz Kostrzewski, Director of Biology, CN Bio, said, “We’re delighted to be working with Lonza, a world-leading cell supplier, to ensure that the prevalidated cells we supply for use with our PhysioMimixTM Single-and Multi-Organ MPS are of reliably high quality and are well-suited to culture in 3D. Using prequalified cells will save our customers valuable time and resource, further helping to accelerate their drug development journey.”

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